Cherohala Skyway

Cherohala Skyway - 61 miles from Franklin

Bold = milage reset,

Underline = photo opportunity


Cheoah Ranger Station is 3 miles (5 min) on 143 from 129/143 X in Robbinsville

Cherohala Skyway 9 mi (16 min) from Cheoah Ranger Station

Joyce Kilmer National Memorial Park is 2 miles (4 min) past Cherohala Skyway start.

Visits are listed by  eg:  1998.0712 = 1998, July 12.  Coordinates are given in UTM.

Begin at Cherohala Skyway start at Santeetlah Gap 2660’ UTM: 0236881/3915176

.1 Trail on left

.3 begin vistas, VistaMaxPanorama view is 180° +/- 50

1.0 1998.0712

Birches beginning to show some yellow signs

1.8 passing 3000’

1.9 OL  Hooper Cove 3100’  UTM: 0234431/3914308

View is 340°

Picnic Area no shade

2.8/15 MM15, Reset odometer to Cherohala Skyway Mile Markers

14.7 OL Shute Cove 3550’ UTM: 0233295/3913630

View is 360°

1998.0712 - yarrow, vetch, flea bane, red oak


Good vista.  300°-080°

14.1 PullOff View toward 330°

13.9 OL Obadiah Gap 3740’ UTM: 0232164/3913546

Panorama 250°-040°

13.6 FR closed

12.5 FR on right, closed

12.4 OL Wright Cove  4150’

no photo op

9.5 OL  Spirit Ridge 4950’ UTM: 022866/3912604

picnic - some shade

hike to viewing platform

6 min each way

handicap access

beech, witch hazel, ferns, sugar maple, flea bane

view is Panorama 250°-040°

8.6  OL Huckleberry Trail 5300’ UTM: 0228059/3911929

8.4  PullOff  2 of them.  Not good.

7.5 OL Hooper Bald Trailhead  5290’ UTM: 0772537/3910886

toilet - picnic no shade


Hooper Bald Tr.

King Meadow Tr.

Mitchell Lick Tr.

Snowbird Creek Tr.

Photo op - poor

7.0 First wind oak

6.7  OL Santeetlah 5390’ UTM: 0771557/3911144

vxp 045-120  Not good

5.9  OL Big Junction 5240’

4.9  OL  Haw Knob Slopes 4890’ UTM: 0770738/3912(295)-(055)

no view

4.2  OL Whigg Cove 4570’

picnic 6-7 tables no shade - toilets

no photo

3.6  PullOff  Mudd Creek TH  UTM: 0769725/3913076

3.5 FR open

2.0  OL Stratton Ridge 4420’ UTM: 0770391/3914541

picnic 6-7 tables no shade


no photo

1.8 NF road 81/217

FR 81:

.2  LT 0769587/3913918

1.2 X FR61

LT on FR 61

.9 Roaring Branch bridge

Feature presentation of the Cherohala Skyway

mossy bolders

1998.0712 - yellow coneflowers, bee balm,

1.1 to a TAP, then return to X81/61

1.1 back to X81/61 - LT

3.15 to Indian Branch

also trail 94

good creek

return 4.35 to  FR 81, LT

FR  217

217 hairpins around to right.

NF 81 (Not suitable for passenger cars)1 FR

2.7 81C (Whigg Branch Rd) TAP, Return 2.7, then back to Cherohala Skyway, RT

1996.1207 -birch trees have red buds, BB Brambles & canes are red

1998.0711 - raining so hard, road was not really visible

.3 OL Unicoi Crest 4470’

Panorama 190°-260°

Not terribly good

0/23.4 Tennessee  “Overhill Skyway”

OL East Rattlesnake Rock 4110’ UTM: 767501/3915434

not much

22.0 OL  West Rattlesnake Rock Trailhead 4000’ UTM:  0767050/3915525

Trail 87

1998.0712 - basil balm, bee balm

Significant Trips

1996.1207Sa, sky completely overcast low stratus, wind 340/25+35, temp 7 to 13°F, light snow, blowing snow, viz 1 to 3 miles var, poor. This was shortly after the road had been opened for the first time and I was to meet George Ellison for a joint trip, but he was kept at his home by the cold weather and snow.

1998.0712Sa, sky completely overcast, low stratus/high cirrius, wind lv, temp 70°f, humidity  high, rain extremely heavy at times , viz 20 miles, very hazy.  Astonishing flea bane, and manarda - some Turk’s cap lilies.